
Puzzle is an AI research and deployment company. Our mission is to ensure that artificial general intelligence benefits all of humanity.

Puzzle is an AI research and deployment company. Our mission is to ensure that artificial general intelligence benefits all of humanity.

Puzzle is an AI research and deployment company. Our mission is to ensure that artificial general intelligence benefits all of humanity.

Puzzle Inc.

800 Employees

Technology & AI


Core Beliefs

Core Beliefs

Core Beliefs

The fundamental ideals and guiding philosophies that shape OpenAI's choices and behaviors.

The fundamental ideals and guiding philosophies that shape OpenAI's choices and behaviors.

The fundamental ideals and guiding philosophies that shape OpenAI's choices and behaviors.

Community Impact

We believe in giving back and making a positive difference in the communities we serve.


We are committed to environmentally sustainable practices and minimizing our ecological footprint.


We hold ourselves to the highest standards of quality and strive for excellence in everything we do.

Work-Life Balance

We strive to create a supportive environment that enables a healthy balance between work and personal life.

Continuous Learning

We embrace a growth mindset, encouraging personal and professional development.


We believe in the power of teamwork and value diverse perspectives and open communication.


We put our customers first, seeking to understand and exceed their needs and expectations.


We encourage creative thinking and constantly strive to develop cutting-edge solutions.


We uphold the highest ethical standards and prioritize honesty and transparency in all our actions.

Team Spotlight

Team Spotlight

Team Spotlight

Discover the personalities behind the OpenAI Design team and listen in on their conversations about issues they find important and impactful.

Discover the personalities behind the OpenAI Design team and listen in on their conversations about issues they find important and impactful.

Discover the personalities behind the OpenAI Design team and listen in on their conversations about issues they find important and impactful.

Mike Johnson

Mike's innovative leadership has driven our team to new heights. He's a BBQ master who loves bringing people together, both for code reviews and weekend cookouts!


Tech Lead

Mike Johnson

Mike's innovative leadership has driven our team to new heights. He's a BBQ master who loves bringing people together, both for code reviews and weekend cookouts!


Tech Lead

Mike Johnson

Mike's innovative leadership has driven our team to new heights. He's a BBQ master who loves bringing people together, both for code reviews and weekend cookouts!


Tech Lead

Sarah Lee

Sarah's product vision is matched only by her enthusiasm for team success. She's run three marathons and approaches product development with the same determination and energy!


Product Manager

Sarah Lee

Sarah's product vision is matched only by her enthusiasm for team success. She's run three marathons and approaches product development with the same determination and energy!


Product Manager

Sarah Lee

Sarah's product vision is matched only by her enthusiasm for team success. She's run three marathons and approaches product development with the same determination and energy!


Product Manager

Jim Tsue

Tom crafts user experiences that delight and inspire. He's a former jazz pianist who brings creativity and harmony to every project he touches!


UX Designer

Jim Tsue

Tom crafts user experiences that delight and inspire. He's a former jazz pianist who brings creativity and harmony to every project he touches!


UX Designer

Jim Tsue

Tom crafts user experiences that delight and inspire. He's a former jazz pianist who brings creativity and harmony to every project he touches!


UX Designer

Why did you join Quantum Horizons?

Why did you join Quantum Horizons?

Why did you join Quantum Horizons?

I joined Quantum Horizons because I've always been fascinated by the potential of quantum computing to transform our lives in meaningful ways. Plus, the opportunity to work with some of the brightest minds in both quantum physics and AI was too good to pass up. It's been an incredible journey so far! I've had the chance to work on some truly groundbreaking projects that I believe will have a lasting impact on the field of quantum-AI integration. The collaborative environment here is just amazing, and it really fosters creativity and innovation. Every day brings new quantum challenges and opportunities to learn, which keeps things exciting.

I joined Quantum Horizons because I've always been fascinated by the potential of quantum computing to transform our lives in meaningful ways. Plus, the opportunity to work with some of the brightest minds in both quantum physics and AI was too good to pass up. It's been an incredible journey so far! I've had the chance to work on some truly groundbreaking projects that I believe will have a lasting impact on the field of quantum-AI integration. The collaborative environment here is just amazing, and it really fosters creativity and innovation. Every day brings new quantum challenges and opportunities to learn, which keeps things exciting.

I joined Quantum Horizons because I've always been fascinated by the potential of quantum computing to transform our lives in meaningful ways. Plus, the opportunity to work with some of the brightest minds in both quantum physics and AI was too good to pass up. It's been an incredible journey so far! I've had the chance to work on some truly groundbreaking projects that I believe will have a lasting impact on the field of quantum-AI integration. The collaborative environment here is just amazing, and it really fosters creativity and innovation. Every day brings new quantum challenges and opportunities to learn, which keeps things exciting.

Honestly, it was the mission that drew me in. The idea of creating quantum-powered AI that can benefit humanity really resonated with me. Also, the chance to design interfaces for such cutting-edge technology was super exciting. Working here has allowed me to grow both professionally and personally. I've met so many passionate and talented individuals who inspire me daily. It's a place where big ideas in quantum computing are not only welcomed but encouraged, and that kind of atmosphere is rare.

Honestly, it was the mission that drew me in. The idea of creating quantum-powered AI that can benefit humanity really resonated with me. Also, the chance to design interfaces for such cutting-edge technology was super exciting. Working here has allowed me to grow both professionally and personally. I've met so many passionate and talented individuals who inspire me daily. It's a place where big ideas in quantum computing are not only welcomed but encouraged, and that kind of atmosphere is rare.

Honestly, it was the mission that drew me in. The idea of creating quantum-powered AI that can benefit humanity really resonated with me. Also, the chance to design interfaces for such cutting-edge technology was super exciting. Working here has allowed me to grow both professionally and personally. I've met so many passionate and talented individuals who inspire me daily. It's a place where big ideas in quantum computing are not only welcomed but encouraged, and that kind of atmosphere is rare.

I've been a tech enthusiast my whole life, and quantum-AI integration is where all the action is right now. Joining Quantum Horizons seemed like the perfect way to be at the forefront of this revolutionary field. Plus, it's pretty cool to say you're working on projects that could shape the future of computing! The quantum projects we're tackling are not only challenging but also incredibly rewarding. I love the fact that what we do here has the potential to make a significant difference in the world. Being part of this team has been a dream come true, and I look forward to what we can achieve together.

I've been a tech enthusiast my whole life, and quantum-AI integration is where all the action is right now. Joining Quantum Horizons seemed like the perfect way to be at the forefront of this revolutionary field. Plus, it's pretty cool to say you're working on projects that could shape the future of computing! The quantum projects we're tackling are not only challenging but also incredibly rewarding. I love the fact that what we do here has the potential to make a significant difference in the world. Being part of this team has been a dream come true, and I look forward to what we can achieve together.

I've been a tech enthusiast my whole life, and quantum-AI integration is where all the action is right now. Joining Quantum Horizons seemed like the perfect way to be at the forefront of this revolutionary field. Plus, it's pretty cool to say you're working on projects that could shape the future of computing! The quantum projects we're tackling are not only challenging but also incredibly rewarding. I love the fact that what we do here has the potential to make a significant difference in the world. Being part of this team has been a dream come true, and I look forward to what we can achieve together.

What project are you most proud of?

What project are you most proud of?

What project are you most proud of?

The project I'm most proud of at Quantum Horizons is definitely the development of our Quantum Machine Learning Platform. Seeing it evolve from an initial concept to a tool that researchers worldwide are using to accelerate their AI models has been incredibly rewarding. I got to work closely with a fantastic team to refine the user interface and ensure it's as intuitive as possible, despite the complexity of quantum operations. The feedback we've received has been amazing, and knowing that our work is helping to advance the field of AI makes all the hard work worth it. Plus, it's pretty cool to see something you've worked on become such a big part of the quantum-AI landscape.

The project I'm most proud of at Quantum Horizons is definitely the development of our Quantum Machine Learning Platform. Seeing it evolve from an initial concept to a tool that researchers worldwide are using to accelerate their AI models has been incredibly rewarding. I got to work closely with a fantastic team to refine the user interface and ensure it's as intuitive as possible, despite the complexity of quantum operations. The feedback we've received has been amazing, and knowing that our work is helping to advance the field of AI makes all the hard work worth it. Plus, it's pretty cool to see something you've worked on become such a big part of the quantum-AI landscape.

The project I'm most proud of at Quantum Horizons is definitely the development of our Quantum Machine Learning Platform. Seeing it evolve from an initial concept to a tool that researchers worldwide are using to accelerate their AI models has been incredibly rewarding. I got to work closely with a fantastic team to refine the user interface and ensure it's as intuitive as possible, despite the complexity of quantum operations. The feedback we've received has been amazing, and knowing that our work is helping to advance the field of AI makes all the hard work worth it. Plus, it's pretty cool to see something you've worked on become such a big part of the quantum-AI landscape.

I've been a tech enthusiast my whole life, and quantum-AI integration is where all the action is right now. Joining Quantum Horizons seemed like the perfect way to be at the forefront of this revolutionary field. Plus, it's pretty cool to say you're working on projects that could shape the future of computing! The quantum projects we're tackling are not only challenging but also incredibly rewarding. I love the fact that what we do here has the potential to make a significant difference in the world. Being part of this team has been a dream come true, and I look forward to what we can achieve together.

I've been a tech enthusiast my whole life, and quantum-AI integration is where all the action is right now. Joining Quantum Horizons seemed like the perfect way to be at the forefront of this revolutionary field. Plus, it's pretty cool to say you're working on projects that could shape the future of computing! The quantum projects we're tackling are not only challenging but also incredibly rewarding. I love the fact that what we do here has the potential to make a significant difference in the world. Being part of this team has been a dream come true, and I look forward to what we can achieve together.

I've been a tech enthusiast my whole life, and quantum-AI integration is where all the action is right now. Joining Quantum Horizons seemed like the perfect way to be at the forefront of this revolutionary field. Plus, it's pretty cool to say you're working on projects that could shape the future of computing! The quantum projects we're tackling are not only challenging but also incredibly rewarding. I love the fact that what we do here has the potential to make a significant difference in the world. Being part of this team has been a dream come true, and I look forward to what we can achieve together.

The Quantum Error Correction System we developed is definitely my proudest achievement. It was a massive challenge to design an interface that could visualize and manage quantum error correction in real-time, but the impact it's had on the stability and reliability of our quantum computations has been game-changing. Seeing it in action, maintaining quantum coherence for extended periods, still feels like magic sometimes. It's opened up so many new possibilities for long-running quantum algorithms.

The Quantum Error Correction System we developed is definitely my proudest achievement. It was a massive challenge to design an interface that could visualize and manage quantum error correction in real-time, but the impact it's had on the stability and reliability of our quantum computations has been game-changing. Seeing it in action, maintaining quantum coherence for extended periods, still feels like magic sometimes. It's opened up so many new possibilities for long-running quantum algorithms.

The Quantum Error Correction System we developed is definitely my proudest achievement. It was a massive challenge to design an interface that could visualize and manage quantum error correction in real-time, but the impact it's had on the stability and reliability of our quantum computations has been game-changing. Seeing it in action, maintaining quantum coherence for extended periods, still feels like magic sometimes. It's opened up so many new possibilities for long-running quantum algorithms.

How does the design team collaborate?

How does the design team collaborate?

How does the design team collaborate?

Our design team collaborates in a pretty dynamic and open way. We start with regular quantum brainstorming sessions where everyone throws their ideas into the mix, no matter how wild they might seem. This helps us get a wide range of perspectives right from the start. We also make heavy use of our custom-built quantum-inspired collaboration tools, which allow us to work on designs in real-time, even if we're not all in the same physical space. Communication is key, so we have frequent check-ins and stand-up meetings to ensure everyone is on the same page and any quantum roadblocks are quickly addressed.

Our design team collaborates in a pretty dynamic and open way. We start with regular quantum brainstorming sessions where everyone throws their ideas into the mix, no matter how wild they might seem. This helps us get a wide range of perspectives right from the start. We also make heavy use of our custom-built quantum-inspired collaboration tools, which allow us to work on designs in real-time, even if we're not all in the same physical space. Communication is key, so we have frequent check-ins and stand-up meetings to ensure everyone is on the same page and any quantum roadblocks are quickly addressed.

Our design team collaborates in a pretty dynamic and open way. We start with regular quantum brainstorming sessions where everyone throws their ideas into the mix, no matter how wild they might seem. This helps us get a wide range of perspectives right from the start. We also make heavy use of our custom-built quantum-inspired collaboration tools, which allow us to work on designs in real-time, even if we're not all in the same physical space. Communication is key, so we have frequent check-ins and stand-up meetings to ensure everyone is on the same page and any quantum roadblocks are quickly addressed.

Collaboration within our design team is very fluid and iterative. We often work in small cross-functional groups that include not just designers but also quantum physicists, AI researchers, and engineers. This ensures that our designs are not only visually appealing but also scientifically accurate and technically feasible. We rely a lot on feedback loops, where we present our work, gather input from various perspectives, and refine our designs based on that feedback. It's a really collaborative environment where everyone's input is valued, and the end product is always better for it.

Collaboration within our design team is very fluid and iterative. We often work in small cross-functional groups that include not just designers but also quantum physicists, AI researchers, and engineers. This ensures that our designs are not only visually appealing but also scientifically accurate and technically feasible. We rely a lot on feedback loops, where we present our work, gather input from various perspectives, and refine our designs based on that feedback. It's a really collaborative environment where everyone's input is valued, and the end product is always better for it.

Collaboration within our design team is very fluid and iterative. We often work in small cross-functional groups that include not just designers but also quantum physicists, AI researchers, and engineers. This ensures that our designs are not only visually appealing but also scientifically accurate and technically feasible. We rely a lot on feedback loops, where we present our work, gather input from various perspectives, and refine our designs based on that feedback. It's a really collaborative environment where everyone's input is valued, and the end product is always better for it.

We have a unique approach to collaboration that we call 'Quantum Entanglement Sessions'. These are intensive design sprints where we pair designers with quantum experts to tackle complex interface challenges. We use virtual reality tools to visualize quantum concepts, which helps bridge the gap between the abstract math and the user interface. It's an immersive and highly creative process that often leads to breakthrough ideas.

We have a unique approach to collaboration that we call 'Quantum Entanglement Sessions'. These are intensive design sprints where we pair designers with quantum experts to tackle complex interface challenges. We use virtual reality tools to visualize quantum concepts, which helps bridge the gap between the abstract math and the user interface. It's an immersive and highly creative process that often leads to breakthrough ideas.

We have a unique approach to collaboration that we call 'Quantum Entanglement Sessions'. These are intensive design sprints where we pair designers with quantum experts to tackle complex interface challenges. We use virtual reality tools to visualize quantum concepts, which helps bridge the gap between the abstract math and the user interface. It's an immersive and highly creative process that often leads to breakthrough ideas.




Take a peek into the home offices and workspaces of the OpenAI team

Take a peek into the home offices and workspaces of the OpenAI team

Take a peek into the home offices and workspaces of the OpenAI team

We're thrilled to share our Career Site with you – it's just a glimpse into the exciting journey that awaits you at Horizon.

We're thrilled to share our Career Site with you – it's just a glimpse into the exciting journey that awaits you at Horizon.

We're thrilled to share our Career Site with you – it's just a glimpse into the exciting journey that awaits you at Horizon.




Isabella - Head of People @ Horizon

Isabella - Head of People @ Horizon

Isabella - Head of People @ Horizon

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